
<== Site of the Week for 2017-03-15 ==>

Utah Color - Site Reviews

The goal of Community Color project is to promote local web development.

To achieve this goal, I wanted to create an RSS feed that includes links to interesting local sites. An RSS Feed is organized by date; So, I created a Site Review with the date as a key.

As for contents. I often use the Site Reviews for showing local videos and Kickstarter campaigns.

I have directories for all 29 counties in Utah. Writing 29 posts a day is exhausting. I tried switching to a "Site of the Week" format. That still involves writing 4 reviews a day, which is still exhausting.

Selection Process

I link to every site I find for a community. I like rich content like videos. If I come across a YouTube or Vimeo video about a site, I am like to to create a review for the site. I also troll Kickstarter and create reviews for Kickstarter campaigns.

I am interested in the ecommerce aspects of the Web. When I come across merchants will affiliate programs, I will join their program and include their affiliate link. The affiliate links help me pay my bills.

Canonical Links

Google advises webmasters not to repeat content on different sites; However, the search engine recently included a concept called a canonical link. The canonical link points to the original source of a page.

So, in my recent upgrade, I decided take advantage of the canonical concept; So, lets say I come across an interesting site in Farmington. I will write the review and list it in both Davis County and in the master site, with the Davis review being the canonical link.

If you are interested in links from throughout Utah, you can add the RSS Feed From Utah Color and you will see links from throughout the state. If you are only interested in Tooele County, you can add the RSS Feed for Tooele Color and only get local sites.

My hope is that people will add the local RSS feeds to their RSS reader. Doing so will help promote local web development. The history page shows a calendar of all reviews for Utah.

Here are links to each of the sites and their RSS feed:

Link Detailshelp
Site NameUtah Color - Site Reviews
Review History2011-11-09
Category Utah Color: Utah Color
Page Views5870
PreviousMusée Utah Beach

DISCLAIMER: This review is about the web site. It is not a recommendation for a company or product. The goal of the Site of the Day review is simply to point out an interesting local web sites. View Site of the Day History. RSS Feed

NOTE: The site referenced on this page has no affiliation with CommunityColor.