<== Site Review (2021-11-04) ==>

Utah Department of Transportation
There was a broken fence post on the 4500 South bridge over I215; so I decided to give the report a problem feature on on the contact UDOT page. NOTE, UDOT only handles problems on state roads and the Interstate Freeway. There is a state road through most Utah Communities.
Reporting the broken fence was a simple matter of drilling down the location on the problem on the site's map. I filled out the form shown above. The site asked that I register to receive updates on the request. I show this on the picture above.
The picture on the bottom of the screen shows the broken fence framed by Mount Olympus.
The video below demonstrates the new "bike boxes" that UDOT is starting to add to roads in the valley. They paint a green spot where bikes are supposed to stop when traveling through intersections. It looks like a big hassle to me.